6 questions to ask yourself heading into the final quarter.

Here are a few questions I want you to work through to help you get back in the game in Q4 2024!

1. What actually matters to me?
Now is the time to be honest with yourself and find out what actually matters to you now. It’s okay to have new goals, a new found respect for yourself and build your life around things that actually matter to you. This is a great place to start and re-group after 3 quarters of 2024.

2. What are my new goals?
For many of you things have changed in your life over the last 12 months and that often means you have to set new goals that support you and are meaningful to your life and current situation. Heading into Q4, it’s a good time to reflect and set goals that are relevant to you - right now!

3. Where am I slipping and falling down?

We all go through tough periods and sometimes it can feel like everything is falling apart. Well, if that is the case let’s catch ourselves before we slip any further. Have an honest conversation with yourself and see what you can do right now to pull yourself together and change some things quickly - so you are on a stronger overall footing.

4. What can I do to get back in control of my life?

Be tough and look at yourself and your current situation and develop a few ideas to help you take back control of your life. What would it take for you to feel back in control of yourself and your life right now? Move quickly and make tough decisions that support you!

5. What routines & habits will I run in Q4?
You want to win in Q4 and get back in control of your life? Then start by creating new routines and habits that fit into your new way of life. Build routines that are relevant to your life and that you can easily implement into your current situation.

6. How do I find peace & happiness in my life?

Your wellbeing and mental health matter. With all that is going on in the world, you need to have clear goals and routines that are based around your own sense of peace. Dive deep and think about what you need to do in practice to feel more at peace and happy within. Don’t miss this step.

Alright, that’s it! Get to work and Go have a Powerful Q4! 2024 isn’t over yet!

- Joe

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