Weekend Tutorial: 2024 Goal Setting with Part 2 & 3 of The Blueprint.

It’s 2024 goal setting weekend at Before5am HQ!


So, grab your Blueprint and follow these steps to help you Set up and Plan out 2024!


You’ll need to print out Part 2 & 3 of your Blueprint Workbook to get started! You’ll also most probably want to visit Part 1 again… So, you can keep an eye on your purpose and your greater vision for your life.


Focus on:



I want you to Create and Set Goals that actually interest you and move your life forward in a significant way in 2024.


Goals that excite you.

Goals that Change your current situation.

Goals that Move you forward.

Goals that actually move your life forward.


It’s easy to set Goals that keep you right where you’ve always been. This weekend that changes once and for all!


So, start being Brave and Bold on paper and in your own mind! It’s time to explore your own ideas and see what you can actually achieve over the next 12 Months.


Work on:

How you are actually going to achieve each one of your Goals in 2024.


That means researching, looking at the data / information, mind mapping, coming up with strategies and understanding the steps you need to take to get there.


Do a forensic job this weekend and over the next couple of weeks - to find the optimal path and way forward from where you are today!


Knowing everything there is to know about your own targets and goals is the first sign you’re on your way - from Dreamer to Goal achiever. These are your goals, so they are absolutely your responsibility.


As a side note: Include time frames, dates, schedules and get a good idea of when you are personally going to hit each marker on the way to hitting your final Objective / Goal.



You’ve got to have some fun setting Goals this weekend. Don’t be afraid to write your goals down, rip them up and throw them in the bin and start again!


If 2024 is really going to be a year of purpose and significant achievement then you have get clear on what you want and that starts by making lots of drafts, writing things down and crossing things off until you know what you truly want to achieve in 2024.


Let’s get to work and make sure we walk out of this weekend with a solid game plan for 2024!

Get your copy of the before5am blueprint guide & Workbook

Check out all the cards for this action lesson: