Weekend Tutorial: What will be your lasting legacy and contribution?

This Christmas weekend, I want you to take some time out to answer one of the most important questions of your life.


Go to:

Page 6 of your Blueprint Workbook - Question 4

What will be your lasting legacy and contribution?


Work on:

I want you to only focus on answering one question this weekend and I want you to think about how you want to contribute to society and make the world a better place.


What is your Greater Purpose and how would you like to make a real impact in the lives of others in 2024 and beyond?


What will be your legacy and how will you contribute to humanity and life on this planet - these are the BIG QUESTIONS you have to know the answer to at some point in your life.


The Next Step:

Once you have written down what it is you would like to do and how you feel you can make an impact - make it part of your morning routine in 2024 to expand on those thoughts, feelings and ideas.


I want you to find a way to make your legacy, your impact and your ability to contribute to society a priority in your life and that starts by setting aside time each day / week for those very important activities.


Make it your mission to find ways to make your own mark and contribute in your own positive & unique way - every day.


My Final Thoughts:

Making contribution and impact a priority in your life will allow you to see the greatest change in your life and how you view yourself and the world - it’s the starting point of a new frontier and a life of purpose, meaning and depth. It’s the pathway to unlocking your potential and solving so many of the problems and issues you may be dealing with in your life.


It’s the pathway that has allowed me to become all I can be and it all started with that one question being answered boldly and bravely by me many years ago. To this day, it still powers everything I do.


So, What will be your lasting Legacy and Contribution?


- Joe


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